Vostok Lake is the music that comes from low-budget electronic hardware, open-source audio software, and wetware with a subversive sense of humour, too much ambition and a big sexy brain. Our slogan is NO GUITARS, NO BOYS, NO BUDGET, NO PROBLEM.
Our long-awaited album COMICS AND STORIES is now available in all formats. Knew you'd be pleased.
If you like finely-programmed synth-pop arrangements with goth-operatic vocals, prog-style keyboard improvisations, punk-cabaret interactive performance chaos, revolutionary cultural politics and the idea of a broadband connection plugged directly into your skull, then Vostok Lake is your kind of music. The live act has been described as "Bonnie Tyler meets Keith Emerson", "Peaches meets David Bowie", "Depeche Mode meets Flight of the Conchords", "Tori Amos meets Gary Numan" or, alternatively, "Yazoo meets The Skeptics meets Raw Sex... on speed."
Vostok Lake believes that in the 23rd century, all music will sound like this. You have not heard anything like Vostok Lake, nor do you know anyone who has. Thanks for coming.